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General Aims and Activity Areas
ADDIS wishes to improve the conditions for anyone of us who wants to make decisions regarding healthcare. Therefore it will develop its action on various fields that are directly related to quality of life, healthcare, Natural Medicine and all the known, existing therapies by helping, from their specific point of view, the patient, their family or even anyone who wants answers to their questions.
The Association’s priorities are to educate towards better and well-informed prevention attitudes and techniques, to raise the awareness of patients and people in general, as well as informing, instructing and actively contributing as far as public relevant affairs on health and well-being are concerned.
Three broad areas have been defined: MEDICINE (Allopathic Medicine, Natural Medicine and Vaccination), FOOD (Agriculture and Nutrition Awareness which includes Nutrition and Food Safety) and ENVIRONMENT (Water, Air, EMF and Geobiological issues). Each one of them will connect various features – more detailed information on such issues will be given in the future, according to the Strategic Plan of the Association.
ADDIS wishes to INFORM, to EDUCATE AND TO GET INVOLVED, therefore becoming an authentic, recommended resource with prominence in the support of education and literacy on health.
Its general aims are:
- to support and promulgate health in its broadest philosophical sense and in connection to all human, social, economical and environmental factors which are fundamental to its preservation;
- to defend and protect the rights and guaranties of the human beings’ total access to life quality and well-being, essential to a plentiful life;
- to protect the patients’ interests and rights (their safety in particular): the right to be informed, to be free to choose, refuse or consent (including conscientious objection), to complain and decide in a wellinformed way;
- to create a positive stance in conjunction with the community so that it may gain footing, volunteers and members who later will inform and educate other people as well as getting socially involved;
The moment it attains 3000 members, Addis will have achieved the necessary conditions to represent all the concerned citizens in such matters before the Direcção Geral de Saúde (General Health Administration). ADDIS should become more and more available in the community, developing workshops and seminars all over the country, creating a national network of therapists and clinics, distributing documents and pieces of news and getting involved when necessary in legal proceedings or being interviewed by the media in suitable circumstances.